根據古騰堡編輯大衛‧魏吉(David Widger)的來信,上傳的檔案還有一些亟待處理的事項取得認證碼後,表示該圖書被認證為公版著作。
我,大衛‧魏吉, 是古騰堡計畫的編輯,我的工作是:
- 收取志工寄來的檔案
- 檢查文句的錯誤
- 加上前言、後語及後設資料
- 張貼
- 請不要加入前言後語,我必須刪除它們;這個程序是自動的,不勞志工費心
- 部份志工不瞭解上傳檔案的表格,以致提供錯誤的資訊,例如,把譯者填入作者的欄位。
- 辨明姓與名。古騰堡計畫的規則是,先給名,再給姓。請這位同學,特別協助我,弄清楚作者的姓與名,Xu Jia-Fu <f780424@????>
- 我的編輯器可以讀取utf-8 或 utf-16,但不能看到Big-5;我們的張貼程序可以處理UTF-8,但不能處理UTF-16 及 Big-5。請給utf-8編碼的檔案。
- 一個作品祗能上傳一個檔案。
- 來自微軟文書處理軟體的 .rtf 或 .doc 格式,必須轉換為 UTF-8 編碼的 .txt 檔。
- 有些電腦的瀏覽器(IE 6.0或更舊),不能處理UTF-8,因此在上傳檔案的表格裡,填入的中文都不能被閱讀,請 fanghsuan hsu <poiuy0127@????> 協助我們。
若需更改,請mail告知。23814, 223816, 23817, 23818 已是有效的連結。
Submission of texts in Chinese to Project Gutenberg
David Widger <cdwidger@gmail.com> | 2007年12月13日 上午 2:02 |
收件者: "Prof. Mao" <mao@lins.????> 副本: "Newby"" <"Greg> |
Four additional files were received this morning, one of which was satisfactory and has been posted on the internet as etext #23827. Email has been sent to the other contributors describing the problems.
In making the list of problems in my email of yesterday I forgot to include a very important one: legibility of the data placed in the PG upload form. If the data such as the author's name or the ebook Title is entered into the PG upload form from a computer which is producing characters other than of the ASCII, or iso-8850-1, or UTF-8 then the note forwarded to us to use in the posting of the file cannot be read. The data is just non-meaningful symbols. Without this data we cannot process the file even though the UTF-8 text is fine in every other way.
This is an example of an upload note demonstrating this problem which we of course had to report to the contributor as unsatisfactory.
TITLE=ƒx¶YÕýÁx EDITOR=¼Òñ˜ —î CREDIT=http://ef.cdpa.nsysu.edu.tw/ccw/01/yli.htm NOTIFY=fanghsuan hsu <poiuy0127@hotmail.com> FILETYPE=other LANGUAGE=Chinese FILES=xY.zip
Whatever help you can give us in communicating the problems I have outlined to your students will be much appreciated.
If you have questions regarding the PG Posting process or if I have not made myself clear on any of the points, kindly let me know.
With best regards,
David |
Submission of texts in Chinese to Project Gutenberg
David Widger <cdwidger@gmail.com> | 2007年12月12日 上午 7:43 |
收件者: "Prof. Mao" <mao@lins????> 副本: "Newby"" <"Greg> |
Dear Professor Mao,
I am one of the Project Gutenberg Editors who receive files from volunteers. I and my colleagues check these files for conformity to PG standards, check them for textual errors (if they are in languages we read), add the heading and trailing PG metadata and legalize that you see at the beginning and end of each file--and post them to the internet.
Today I received 27 files in Chinese from volunteers whom Professor Newby informs me are your students--he also indicates I should expect many more of these files. Of the twenty-seven submissions there were nine which, with a bit of work, I was able to post on the internet. They will appear in the PG catalog in about 24 hours.
I have written email to several of the contributors describing for their instruction various problems with the nine posted files which I was able to adjust. As to the other 18 contributors I have not had time to delve deeply enough into the problems but will do so in the coming days and communicate directly with them.
There are several issues identified so far:
1. A PG header/trailer attached to the files by some of the volunteers which needed to be deleted before I could start processing the file (though sometimes there is more info in these as to author, etc. than in the PG upload note). Our posting process automatically adds the PG header and trailer so there is no need for the contributor to try to add these to their files.
2. The volunteers in many cases seem not to be able to read or understand the Project Gutenberg upload form thus inserting the wrong information: for example the Translator's name in some cases entered as the Author--plus other variations.
3. Determining the proper order for Chinese names. At times I found the last name first, in English, French German and many other languages it would be easy for me to correct but with no knowledge of Chinese I cannot figure out which is which. In my feedback email to four of the contributors today I have asked for guidelines in this. The PG standard for the names of author, editor, translator, illustrator are first name first and last name last. This standard is necessary so our cataloguers get it right.
4. I can see in my unicode editor what looks like normal Chinese characters in the files which are utf-8 or utf-16 but the Big-5 character set is beyond me. None of my editors can handle this charset and I do not even know if any of the files submitted today are in Big-5. Our automated posting program can handle UTF-8, but not UTF-16 or Big-5. In those files posted today which came in as UTF-16 I recoded them to UTF-8 using the recode.exe program before starting the posting process. Unfortunately there are several files in the 18 remaining unposted files which are labeled as UTF-8 which are neither UTF-8 or UTF-16. I cannot determine what charset they are and will have to ask the volunteer to resubmit them in valid UTF-8 (or in UTF-16 if they are unable to accomplish the recoding to UTF-8).
5. Also there are several files in the unposted 18 which contain several or many individual text files. PG can only accept one text file of any charset for an eBook. That file gets the PG filenumber. So sets with several text files must have these all combined into one text file. Likewise with several html files, it is best if there be just one file.
6. Several files were sent as MS Word files with the .rtf or .doc extension. PG does include these formats but requires that when we do so a .txt file (in the case of Chinese files UTF-8 format) also be included.
Please take a look at the following files I posted this morning. Some or all of these may need to be reposted once I figure out which name is the last name for PG cataloguing purposes:
If corrections or changes are needed kindly send advice by email and I will be glad to make the corrections.
I will greatly appreciate your help in instructing your students as to the PG requirements above. In several of the email back and forth between some of them it is obvious that they do not understand much of what I write and of course I have equal difficulty understanding them.
With all this said Prof. Newby, Project Gutenberg and I are delighted to see some eBooks in our catalog in the Chinese language. With your help I believe we will be able to post many more.
With kindest regards,
David Widger http://www.gutenberg.net.au/widger/home.html
I am one of the Project Gutenberg Editors and have received your files for posting. Thank you very much for this contribution.
You have attached PG header and trailer to the file which is not necessary as these are automatically produced during the posting process. In future files there is no need for you to do this.
Not being familiar with Chinese names I am unsure if I have the proper order of first and last names for the translators, editors, and for you. Please see my list below and let me know if this is correct--and if not please make the needed corrections. For example in your upload note one of the translators is written hui neng shi and in another place as Shi Hui-Neng, so you can understand my confusion.
Also I do not know who should be named as the author of this work. Is the author known? If not we would normally put the author in the PG catalog as Anonymous.
Again many thanks for submitting this file to PG.
David Widger
Uploaded at December 10, 2007 3:38 pm PST by Xu Jia-Fu <f780424@yahoo.com.tw>
TITLE=Liu Zu Tan Jing SUBTITLE=Original publication year is A.D.713 at Tang Dynasty AUTHOR= TRANSLATOR=Shi Hui-Neng and Shi Fa-Hai EDITOR=Shi Fa-Hai CREDIT=Xu Jia-Fu NOTIFY=Xu Jia-Fu <f780424@yahoo.com.tw> FILETYPE=other LANGUAGE=Chinese FILES=33202-0.txt SIZE=90223 CLEARED=OK 20071205045346shi liu zu tan jing hui neng shi 1992:p |