2007年12月10日 星期一


根據古騰堡計畫工作人員克雷格‧紐比(Greg Newby)的回信,大意如下:

1. 已經取得認證碼(Clearance Key)者,請到此網頁

2. 未取得認證碼者,請重新再提出認證申請

- 原始出版年,必須符合公版著作的規定(美國規定為 1923 年以前的出版品)
- 增加的注解、評論等,也需符合公版著作的規定
- 重印本必須沒有新的資料,才能符合公版著作的規定
- 作者往生於 1912 之前
- 呈交書名頁及版權頁的書影
- 書名及著者譯為英文,或漢語拚音


Greg Newby <gbnewby@pglaf.org>

2007年12月11日 上午 5:59
回覆: gbnewby@pglaf.org
收件者: 毛慶禎
副 本: "Michael S. Hart" <hart@pobox.com>, John Guagliardo <john@gutenberg.cc>, 496100044@mail.XXXXx, 美君
On Sun, Dec 09, 2007 at 09:23:12AM +0800, ????????? wrote:
> Hi Michael and fellows,
> There are hundred Chinese eBooks sending to you by my students ask for
> copyright clearance during the last two weeks.
> Would you kindly let them pass your clearance as soon as possible?

Dear Prof. Mao:

I am working through these clearances, and have approved
many. For others, we cannot determine public domain status
based on the information provided.

For the items that are cleared, they can be submitted using
the clearance key at http://upload.pglaf.org

For the others, they will need to be resubmitted with further
details. We need to know:

- the original publication date, if prior to 1923
- whether any new materials were added (such as a new introduction)
- that the reprint doesn't have any other materials that might
qualify for a new reprint
- that the author died prior to 1912
- images of the title page & verso page (some clearance requests
did not include these)
- translation to English of the title and other relevant information
from the image of the title page & verso

Note that we cannot take items which were originally published
*after* 1923.

Thanks for your efforts. We're really looking forward
to getting these items into our collection.
-- Greg Newby
